Note Refactor


What is It?

Note refactor is a plugin that in it’s incense is made so you can take a big note and split into multiple ones and linking them if you want so, so it is good for who likes a main note with a lot of links to other and then a lot of small notes.

Why I Do So?

Pros 👍

Cons 👎


My Opinion

For my use case it works pretty well since I said earlier like a main note with a lot of links and then smalls notes linked to the main one so if you have a similar use case or think from my description that the plugin is useful then check it out!

What if I Have Any Questions?

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me on Discord (aikoo7) or via email at Use email for urgent matters only.



11/03/2023 → Added tag “#review/plugin “.

  1. Table of contents, a table/index where you have all the topics of in case, a note. ↩︎